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J-GLOBAL ID:201702266094965506   整理番号:17A0241429

支援電動車いす市場における研究と産業の間のギャップを閉じるための組込みハードウェア【Powered by NICT】

Embedded hardware for closing the gap between research and industry in the assistive powered wheelchair market
著者 (9件):
Canoz V.
(Ecole nationale superieure d’ingenieurs de Limoges, 16 Rue Atlantis 87068 Limoges, Cedex, France)
Gillham M.
(School of Engineering and Digital Arts at The University of Kent, Jennison Building, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom)
Oprea P.
(School of Engineering and Digital Arts at The University of Kent, Jennison Building, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom)
Chaumont P.
(Ecole nationale superieure d’ingenieurs de Limoges, 16 Rue Atlantis 87068 Limoges, Cedex, France)
Bodin A.
(Ecole nationale superieure d’ingenieurs de Limoges, 16 Rue Atlantis 87068 Limoges, Cedex, France)
Laux P.
(Ecole nationale superieure d’ingenieurs de Limoges, 16 Rue Atlantis 87068 Limoges, Cedex, France)
Lebigre M.
(Ecole nationale superieure d’ingenieurs de Limoges, 16 Rue Atlantis 87068 Limoges, Cedex, France)
Howells G.
(School of Engineering and Digital Arts at The University of Kent, Jennison Building, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom)
Sirlantzis K.
(School of Engineering and Digital Arts at The University of Kent, Jennison Building, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom)

IEEE Conference Proceedings  (IEEE Conference Proceedings)

巻: 2016  号: SII  ページ: 108-113  発行年: 2016年 
JST資料番号: W2441A  資料種別: 会議録 (C)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: アメリカ合衆国 (USA)  言語: 英語 (EN)
