J-GLOBAL ID:201702219045818380   整理番号:17A0872159

必携保存版 臨床心理学実践ガイド 行動活性化

著者 (2件):
巻: 17  号:ページ: 444-445  発行年: 2017年07月10日 
JST資料番号: L5131A  ISSN: 1345-9171  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (9件):
  • Dimidjian S, Barrera M, Martell C et al. (2011) The origins and current status of behavioral activation treatments for depression. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 7 ;1-38.
  • Ferster CB (1973) A functional analysis of depression. American Psychologist 28 ; 857-870.
  • Hopko DR, Lejuez CW, Ruggiero KJ et al. (2003) Contemporary behavioral activation treatments for depression : Procedures, principles, and progress. Clinical Psychology Review 23 ; 699-717.
  • Jacobson NS, Dobson KS, Truax PA et al. (1996) A component analysis of cognitive-behavioral treatment for depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 64 ; 295-304.
  • Jacobson NS, Martell CR & Dimidjian S (2001) Behavioral activation treatment for depression : Returning to contextual roots. Clinical Psychology : Science and Practice 8-3 ; 255-270.
タイトルに関連する用語 (3件):
