Kozo Okanoa, Maiko Onishib, Jo Otsukaa, Shinpei Ogataa, Toshifusa Sekizawac, Keishi Okamotod, Daisuke Bekki. A Bounded Model Checker for Timed Automata and Its Application to LTL Properties. Procedia Computer Science. 2022. 207. 532-541
Keishi Okamoto, Kazuma Kokuta. Supporting the resolution of inconsistencies in specifications based on mathematical argumentation theory. RIMS Kokyuroku. 2022. 2218. 2218. 105-118
Supporting the resolution of inconsistencies in specifications based on mathematical argumentation theory
(RIMS Symposia (Open), Model theoretic aspects of the notion of independence and dimension 2021)
鉄道事故調査報告書RA2021-1に基づくCompact CASTによる分析事例の紹介
(2nd Asian STAMP Workshop 2021)