Shinji Matsumura, Koji Yamazaki, Kazuyoshi Suzuki. Slow-down in summer warming over Greenland in the past decade linked to central Pacific El Niño. Communications Earth & Environment. 2021. 2. 1
Shinji Matsumura, Koji Yamazaki, Takeshi Horinouchi. Robust Asymmetry of the Future Arctic Polar Vortex Is Driven by Tropical Pacific Warming. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021. 48. 11
Koji Yamazaki, Tetsu Nakamura. The stratospheric QBO affects antarctic sea ice through the tropical convection in early austral winter. Polar Science. 2021. 28. 100674-100674
Kenta Kawasaki, Yoshihiro Tachibana, Tetsu Nakamura, Koji Yamazaki. Role of the Cold Okhotsk Sea on the Climate of the North Pacific Subtropical High and Baiu Precipitation. Journal of Climate. 2021. 34. 2. 495-507
Koji Yamazaki, Tetsu Nakamura, Jinro Ukita, Kazuhira Hoshi. A tropospheric pathway of the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) impact on the boreal winter polar vortex. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2020. 20. 8. 5111-5127