J-GLOBAL ID:200901008000443734   Update date: Oct. 17, 2023

Watanabe Ichiro

ワタナベ イチロウ | Watanabe Ichiro
Research field  (1): Forest science
Research keywords  (4): forest machine ,  silviculture ,  forest engineering ,  Forest Ecology
Papers (5):
  • Toshiyuki Tsushima, Ichiro Watanabe, Nobuhiro Akashi, Kenichi Ozaki. Productivity and Cost of Retention Harvesting Operation in Conifer Plantations. Forests. 2023. 14. 2
  • Mika Takiya, Hiromasa Koyama, Kiyoshi Umeki, Michiyasu Yasaka, Yasuyuki Ohno, Ichiro Watanabe, Kazuhiko Terazawa. The effects of early and intense pruning on light penetration, tree growth, and epicormic shoot dynamics in a young hybrid larch stand. JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 2010. 15. 3. 149-160
  • Yasuyuki Ohno, Kiyoshi Umeki, Kazuhiko Terazawa, Michiyasu Yasaka, Ichiro Watanabe, Mika Takiya. Competition as a predisposing factor of crown dieback in a secondary forest of Betula maximowicziana in Hokkaido, northern Japan. JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 2010. 15. 3. 161-168
  • Yasuyuki Ohno, Kiyoshi Umeki, Ichiro Watanabe, Mika Takiya, Kazuhiko Terazawa, Michiyasu Yasaka, Sawako Matsuki. Basal area growth and mortality of Betula maximowicziana affected by crown dieback in a secondary forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan. JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 2009. 14. 1. 37-43
  • Yasuyuki Ohno, Kiyoshi Umeki, Ichiro Watanabe, Mika Takiya, Kazuhiko Terazawa, Hideho Hara, Sawako Matsuki. Variation in shoot mortality within crowns of severely defoliated Betula maximowicziana trees in Hokkaido, northern Japan. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2008. 23. 2. 355-362
MISC (54):
  • 渡辺一郎. 多目的造林機械「山もっとジョージ」の開発実証試験-開発までの経緯と北海道主要3樹種の根株粉砕効率-. 北海道の林木育種. 2021. 63. 2
  • 渡辺 一郎. 根株粉砕機能を持つ刈り払い機の開発とその経緯. 山つくり. 2020. 505. 6-7
  • 渡辺一郎. 軽労化・省力化に向けた多目的造林機械開発の取り組み. 森林・林業技術シンポジウム. 2020. 53rd
  • 渡辺一郎. 続・小型自走式刈り払い機は林地でどこまで使えるのか?-「山もっとジョージ」の誕生-. 光珠内季報(Web). 2020. 194
  • 渡辺一郎. Performance and weeding costs of a new silviculture machine for cutting larch stumps. 森林利用学会誌. 2020. 35. 4
Awards (1):
  • 2017/03 - 一般社団法人日本森林技術協会 森林技術賞 緩中傾斜地における高性能林業機械を活用した作業システムの開発と普及
Association Membership(s) (2):
森林利用学会 ,  日本森林学会
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