J-GLOBAL ID:200901025538202607   Update date: Dec. 30, 2023

Nitta Masakazu

ニッタ マサカズ | Nitta Masakazu
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Hematology and oncology
Research keywords  (2): 血液内科学 ,  Hematology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 1997 - 2004 造血器腫瘍の化学療法,サイトカイン療法,造血幹細胞移植
  • 1997 - 2004 造血器腫瘍における転写因子とその異常
  • 1997 - 2004 造血幹細胞の発生・分化のメカニズム
  • 1997 - 2004 Chemocherapy, Cytokine therapy and stem cell transplantation in hematological malignancies
  • 1997 - 2004 Transcription factor in hematological malignancies
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Papers (14):
  • Kinoshita S, Ishida T, Ito A, Narita T, Masaki A, Suzuki S, Yoshida T, Ri M, Kusumoto S, Komatsu H, et al. Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 as a potential specific molecular target in NK cell leukemia/lymphoma. Haematologica. 2018. 103. 12. 2059-2068
  • Masaki A, Ishida T, Maeda Y, Ito A, Suzuki S, Narita T, Kinoshita S, Takino H, Yoshida T, Ri M, et al. Clinical significance of tryptophan catabolism in Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer science. 2018. 109. 1. 74-83
  • Mizuno Shohei, Hanamura Ichiro, Ota Akinobu, Sivasundaram Karnan, Utino Kaori, Horio Tomohiro, Mizutani Motonori, Goto Mineaki, Takahashi Miyuki, Gotou Mayuko, et al. MYCおよびPVT1を含む8q24領域にHSRを有する新規DLBCL細胞株の樹立(Establishment of a novel DLBCL cell line, AMU-ML-2, carrying HSR on 8q24 containing MYC and PVT1). 臨床血液. 2015. 56. 9. 1576-1576
  • Mizuno Shohei, Hanamura Ichiro, Ota Akinobu, Sivasundaram Karnan, Narita Tomoko, Ri Masaki, Mizutani Motonori, Goto Mineaki, Gotou Mayuko, Tsunekawa Norikazu, et al. Amylase-Producing Myeloma Cells Reduced Sensitivity to Dexamethasone and Bortezomib. BLOOD. 2014. 124. 21
  • Mineaki Goto, Hiroshi Miwa, Kazuto Suganuma, Norikazu Tsunekawa-Imai, Masato Shikami, Motonori Mizutani, Shohei Mizuno, Ichiro Hanamura, Masakazu Nitta. Adaptation of leukemia cells to hypoxic condition through switching the energy metabolism or avoiding the oxidative stress. BMC cancer. 2014. 14. 76-76
MISC (56):
  • 水野昌平, 花村一朗, 太田明伸, SIVASUNDARAM Karnan, 成田朋子, 李政樹, 後藤峰明, 後藤麻友子, 恒川敬和, 爾見雅人, et al. MM細胞株を用いた異所性アミラーゼ安定的発現株の樹立とその性状解析. Int J Myeloma (Web). 2014. 4. 2. O-1 (WEB ONLY)-66
  • Goto Mineaki, Miwa Hiroshi, Shikami Masato, Tsunekawa Norikazu, Suganuma Kazuto, Uchino Kaori, Horio Tomohiro, Mizutani Motonori, Takahashi Miyuki, Mizuno Shohei, et al. ROSは低酸素症下の白血病細胞増殖において重要な役割を果たす(ROS has a key role in proliferation of leukemia cells under hypoxia). 臨床血液. 2013. 54. 9. 1203-1203
  • Yamamoto Hidesuke, Hanamura Ichiro, Uchino Kaori, Mizutani Motonori, Horio Tomohiro, Takahashi Miyuki, Mizuno Shohei, Goto Mineaki, Goto Mayuko, Tsunekawa Norikazu, et al. 単施設での超高齢リンパ腫患者の後向き臨床解析(A retrospective clinical analysis of very elderly patients with lymphoma in a single institute). 臨床血液. 2013. 54. 9. 1286-1286
  • Tsunekawa Norikazu, Miwa Hiroshi, Mizutani Motonori, Komatsubara Hiroko, Horio Tomohiro, Goto Mineaki, Mizuno Shohei, Takahashi Miyuki, Suganuma Kazuto, Gotou Mayuko, et al. 2-deoxy-D-glucoseを投与されたNOD/scidマウスにおける白血病細胞の代謝スイッチ(Metabolic switch of leukemia cells in NOD/scid mice treated by 2-deoxy-D-glucose). 臨床血液. 2012. 53. 9. 1043-1043
  • Goto Mineaki, Miwa Hiroshi, Komatsubara Hiroko, Horio Tomohiro, Mizutani Motonori, Takahashi Miyuki, Mizuno Shohei, Suganuma Kazuto, Gotou Mayuko, Tsunekawa Norikazu, et al. THP1は低酸素下でPDK1上方調節を介した代謝変化により増殖能を高める(The growth of THP1 is increased under hypoxia by changing metabolism through PDK1 upregulation). 臨床血液. 2012. 53. 9. 1192-1192
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK) (Nagoya City University)
Committee career (3):
  • 2001 - 日本血液学会 評議員
  • 1998 - 日本内科学会 評議員
  • 1985 - 日本臨床血液学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (5):
日本癌学会 ,  日本臨床血液学会 ,  日本血液学会 ,  American Society of Hematology ,  日本内科学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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