J-GLOBAL ID:200901026668627746   Update date: Oct. 01, 2022

Shigeru Ohde

オオデ シゲル | Shigeru Ohde
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (6): Analytical chemistry ,  Inorganic and coordination chemistry ,  Environmental policy and society ,  Environmental impact assessment ,  Space and planetary science ,  Environmental dynamics
Research keywords  (8): 同位体化学 ,  環境化学 ,  地球化学 ,  海洋化学 ,  Isotope Chemistry ,  Environmental Chemistry ,  Geochemistry ,  Marine Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 1995 - Environmetal Chemistry of Rivers, Estuaries and Coral Reefs
  • 1995 - Chemistry of Surface and Deep Sea Waters, and Their Isotope Studies
  • 1995 - Chemical Studies on Coral Skeletons
  • 1995 - no_title
  • 1995 - no_title
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MISC (68):
Books (2):
  • 現代海洋化学・II
  • 現代海洋化学・II
Professional career (2):
  • M. Sc. (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
  • D. Sc. (Nagoya University)
Work history (2):
  • 2005/03/01 - - , 琉球大学 理学部 海洋自然科学科 教授
  • 2005/03/01 - - , University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science, Professor
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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