J-GLOBAL ID:200901030466011813   Update date: Mar. 24, 2009

Tanji Yoshio

タンジ ヨシオ | Tanji Yoshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Research field  (2): General surgery, pediatric surgery ,  Metabolism and endocrinology
Research keywords  (4): 内分泌療法 ,  化学療法 ,  乳癌 ,  Breast Cancer
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 乳腺MRI、MDCTを利用した術前診断および化学療法効果判定の研究
  • 乳癌内分泌療法の骨代謝への影響。
  • Study on the effect of endocrine therapy for the bone metabolism of breast canncer patients
  • Study on Augmentation of Anti-Tumor effect by BRM
MISC (11):
  • uPA receptor expression in benign and malignant thyroid tumors. Kim SJ., Shiba E., Taguchi .T, Tsukamoto F., Miyoshi Y., Tanji Y., Takai S., Noguchi S. Anticancer Res. 387-93, 2002. 2002. 22(1A) 387-93
  • Overview: Video-assisted breast surgery. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy Tamaki Y., Tsukamoto F., Miyoshi Y., Tanji Y., Taguchi T., Noguchi S. Biomedicine & Pharmacy. 2002. 56 187-191
  • 3D imaging of intraductal spread of breast cancer and its clinical application for navigation surgery. Tamaki Y., Akashi-Tanaka S., Ishida T., Uematsu T., Kusuma M., Sawai Y., Nakamura S. Hisamatsu K., Tanji Y., Sato Y., Matsura N. Breast Cancer. 2002. vol.9 no.4 289-295
  • MEN 1型膵内分泌腫瘍の外科治療. 丹治芳郎, 芝英一, 渡邉太郎, 伊豆蔵正明, 野口眞三郎. 内分泌外科. 1999. 16(2): 105-109
  • Antitumor Effect of Medium-Chain Triglyceride and Its Influence on the Self-Deffence System of the Dody(共著). Cancer Detection and Prevention. 1998. 22. 3. 219
Books (2):
  • 抗癌剤の効果増強とターゲティング療法 -BRMと抗癌剤の併用-(共著)
  • Augmentation of anticancer drug effect and targetting therapy
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本臨床外科学会 ,  日本消化器外科学会 ,  日本内分泌外科学会 ,  日本乳癌学会 ,  日本癌治療学会 ,  日本外科学会
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