J-GLOBAL ID:200901037729422516   Update date: Oct. 21, 2021

Shimane Katsumi

シマネ カツミ | Shimane Katsumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Sociology
Research keywords  (1): >
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 大量死の記憶に関する集合意識研究
  • 葬送儀礼の国際比較研究
Papers (35):
  • シマネ カツミ. Social bonds with the dead: how funerals transformed in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 2018. vol 373. >1-7
  • 佐藤康一郎他. 変貌するベトナムの葬送文化. 佐藤康一郎編『変容するベトナムの社会構造』(専修大学出版局). 2017. >121-151
  • 嶋根 克己. Katu 族の棺. 専修大学社会科学研究所月報. 2017. 642. >116-121
  • 嶋根 克己. 近代化する葬儀の諸問題:ベトナムと日本の比較から. 専修大学社会科学研究所月報. 2016. >23-33
  • シマネ カツミ. Xã hội vô cảm và giai đoạn cuối đời trong thời đại ít trẻ em- già hóa dân số ở Nhật Bản. Quan hệ Việt Nam- Nhật Bản 40 năm nhìn lại và định hướng tương lai, Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội. 2014. >310-323
MISC (30):
  • 嶋根 克己. 少子化进程中葬礼的变化趋势. 家族企业杂志社/家族企业. 2018. >33-34
  • 嶋根 克己. 森謙二著『墓と葬送の社会史』『墓と葬送のゆくえ』. 有斐閣. 2016. 82号. >282-289
  • 嶋根 克己. 現代における墓地の存在意義. 土生田純之編『事典墓の考古学』(吉川弘文堂). 2013. >370-373
  • 嶋根 克己. 火葬と散骨. 土生田純之編『事典墓の考古学』(吉川弘文堂). 2013. >366-369
  • 大矢根淳, 樋口博美. 社会学教育を変えた調査実習--専修大学社会学専攻の試み--. 『社会と調査』(社会調査協会). 2009. 第2号. >81-85
Books (13):
  • Modernized Funeral: Comparison between Vietnam and Japan
    Building a Sustainable Development Society: Vietnam-Japan Cooperation 2018 ISBN:9786049619199
  • L'experience mortuaire des societes urbaines nipponnes
    La Place des morts dans les megalopoles d'Asie orientale. Les Indes savantees 2013 ISBN:9782846543361
  • The Experience of Death in Japan's Urban Societies
    Invisible Population; the place of The Dead in East Asian Megacities:(Lexington Books) 2012 ISBN:9780739171448
  • 変貌する中国の高等教育--急速な大衆化のゆくえ
    『中国社会の現状III』(専修大学出版局) 2011 ISBN:9784881252604
  • 「生きづらさ」の時代
    専修大学出版局 2010
Lectures and oral presentations  (33):
  • Role of Higher Education for Human Resources: Comparison Japan and Vietnam
    (Improving Quality of Population: Intenational Experince and Suggestions for Vietnam 2019)
  • Transformation of Ancestor Worship in Vietnam and Japan Under Shrinking Family
    (APSA Conference 2018 2018)
  • Transformation of the Family and funeral system during Modernization
    (The Third Conference of International Consortium for Social Well-Being Studies 2018)
  • Ancestor Worship and Subjective Well-being: Cross-national Comparison between East and Southeast Asian Countries
    (2nd Conference of International Consortium for Social Well-being Studies 2017)
  • The rights to be cared in the end-of-life and after-life; Transformation of aging and dying in Japan
    (Marx 200; Karl Marx's though on distributive justice and its current relevance 2017)
Education (1):
  • - 1989 Chuo University
Professional career (1):
  • 文学修士 (埼玉大学)
Work history (1):
  • 2006/05 - 2007/03 The National Center for University Entrance Examinations
Awards (1):
  • 1990/12 - 教育研究特別表彰
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Association for Social Reserch ,  日仏社会学会 ,  Kanto Sociological Society ,  日本社会学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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