J-GLOBAL ID:200901041190381206   Update date: Sep. 18, 2023

Kobayakawa Satoru

コバヤカワ サトル | Kobayakawa Satoru
Research field  (3): Linguistics ,  English linguistics ,  Japanese linguistics
Papers (12):
  • Satoru Kobayakawa. "The Singular and Plural Constructions". JELS 35 (Papers from the Thirty-Fifth Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan). 2018. 62-68
  • Satoru Kobayakawa. "We Have between One and Two Billion Readers!: Prepositional Phrases Functioning as Direct Object". The English Teachers’ Magazine. 2016. 65. 9. 29-32
  • Satoru Kobayakawa. "The Grammar of the Numeral Noun and Noun Construction". JELS 33 (Papers from the Thirty-Third Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan). 2016. 52-58
  • Satoru Kobayakawa. "The Semantics of the Verb 'Sigh'". JELS 32 (Papers from the Thirty-Second Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan). 2015. 49-55
  • Satoru Kobayakawa. "The COMP Function and Quantifiers". Dokkyo University Studies in English 71. 2012. 25-77
MISC (5):
  • Satoru Kobayakawa. 「選択行為としてのことばの使用」(書評 篠原俊吾『選択の言語学--ことばのオートフォーカス--』開拓社). 2019. 68. 4. 91-91
  • Katsuo Ichinohe, Satoru Kobayakawa, Joe Morita, Koji Nabeya, Ken'ichiro Nogawa. "Some Remarks on Gerunds". Tsukuba English Studies 16. 1997. 303-304
  • Toyoko Amagawa, Satoru Kobayakawa, Manabu Kusayama, Ken'ichiro Nogawa. "Semantic Constraints on the Middle Construction in English". Tsukuba English Studies 15. 1996. 251-252
  • Masanobu Ueda, Satoru Kobayakawa, Naoaki Wada, Takashi Yoshida. "On Passive Nominals in English". Tsukuba English Studies 14. 1995. 315-317
  • Yuji Tanaka, Satoru Kobayakawa, Naoaki Wada. "Arguments against the Larsonian Approach to Verbs of Giving". Tsukuba English Studies 13. 1994. 257-260
Books (6):
  • Exploring the English Language through Idiomatic and Irregular Expressions, ed. by Makoto Sumiyoshi, Toru Suzuki, and Yoshiki Nishimura
    Kaitakusha 2019 ISBN:9784758922746
  • Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics Series, vol. 4: Cognitive Study of Grammar I, ed. by Yoshiki Nishimura
    Taishukan 2018 ISBN:9784469212846
  • ジョン・R.テイラー『メンタル・コーパス--母語話者の頭の中には何があるのか』(Japanese translation of John R. Taylor's The Mental Corpus: How Language is Represented in the Mind)
    Kurosio 2017 ISBN:9784874247358
  • Mind and Communication: Investigation into Mental Environment, 2nd ed., ed. by Akihiro Takeichi, Hiroko Tabata, and Yuzo Watanabe
    Keiso Shobo 2003 ISBN:432669811X
  • The Interface of Meaning and Form, vol. 1: A Festschrift for Professor Minoru Nakau on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, ed. by Editorial Committee of a Festschrift for Professor Minoru Nakau
    Kurosio 2001 ISBN:4874242197
Lectures and oral presentations  (15):
  • "The Singular and Plural Constructions"
    (The Thirty-Fifth Conference of the English Linguistic Sciety of Japan, 18-19 November 2017, Tohoku University, Kawauchi Campus. 2017)
  • "'Counting and Expressions of Quantity' Reconsidered"
    (The Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Tsukuba English Linguistic Society, 11-12 November 2017, University of Tsukuba. 2017)
  • "Counting and Constructions"
    (Tokyo Daigaku Gengogaku-kei Kenkyu Happyokai, 11 December 2015, The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus. 2015)
  • "The Grammar of the Numeral Noun and Noun Construction"
    (The Thirty-Third Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, 21-22 November 2015, Kansai Gaidai University, Nakamiya Campus. 2015)
  • "The Semantics of the Verb 'Sigh'"
    (The Thirty-Second Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, 8-9 November 2014, Gakushuin University. 2014)
Association Membership(s) (3):
The English Linguistic Society of Japan ,  Tsukuba English Linguistic Society ,  The Linguistic Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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