J-GLOBAL ID:200901049068098847   Update date: Mar. 03, 2003

Saito Yoshinori

サイトウ ヨシノリ | Saito Yoshinori
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.minc.ne.jp/~saito-/
Research field  (2): Sociology ,  Theoretical economics
Research keywords  (4): 現代社会学理論 ,  フランス経済・社会思想史 ,  Modern Sociological theory ,  History of French economic and social thoughts
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • インドネシアの経済と社会
  • プルードンの経済学・社会学理論
  • Indonesian Economy and Society
  • Proudhon's economic and sociological theory
MISC (13):
  • Social influences of the decline of birthrate in Japan. 1995. 44. 39-46
  • プルードンにおける進歩の概念. 商経論叢(鹿児島県立短大). 1993. 42,19-30
  • Proudhon's concept on Progress. Shokei-Ronso (Kagoshima Prefectural College). 1993. 42,19-30
  • プルードンの未発表手稿『経済学』について. 鹿児島県立短大紀要. 1992. 43,75-94
  • Proudhon's unpublished manuscripts entitled "Economie". Bulletin of Kagoshima Prefectural College. 1992. 43,75-94
Education (4):
  • - 1980 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Social Sciences
  • - 1980 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, Division of Sociology
  • - 1970 Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Social Sciences
  • - 1970 Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Sociology
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Committee career (1):
  • 1992 - 日仏社会学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (3):
社会学史学会 ,  日仏社会学会 ,  経済学史学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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