J-GLOBAL ID:200901050385080463   Update date: Jun. 10, 2023

Yokoi Kenji

ヨコイ ケンジ | Yokoi Kenji
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Senior researcher
Research field  (1): Food sciences
Papers (31):
  • Gen-Ya Arakawa, Ken-Ji Yokoi. Application of multiple ultra-high-pressure homogenization to the pasteurization process of Japanese rice wine, sake. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering. 2023
  • Ken-Ji Yokoi, Sosyu Tsutsui, Gen-Ya Arakawa, Masakazu Takaba, Koichi Fujii, Satoshi Kaneko. Molecular and biochemical characteristics of inulosucrase InuBK from Alkalihalobacillus krulwichiae JCM 11691. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2021. 85. 8. 1830-1838
  • 岩崎 修一, 横井 健二, 鈴木 直子, 山下 慎一郎, 飯尾 晋一郎, 高良 毅. Lactobacillus casei含有飲料が便秘傾向者の腸内環境に与える影響 ランダム化プラセボ対照二重盲検並行群間比較試験. 薬理と治療. 2017. 45. 12. 1947-1962
  • Harada Yasuyuki, Shozen Kei-Ichi, Yokoi Ken-ji, Satomi Masataka. Effects of Organic Acids, Sugars, and Oils on Histamine Production by the Halotolerant Histamine-Producing Bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis TYH1 Isolated from Sakana Miso Fermented Fish Paste. Food Science and Technology Research. 2017. 23. 6. 863-870
  • Ken-Ji Yokoi, Shinya Kuzuwa, Shu-Ichi Iwasaki, Ayanori Yamakawa, Akira Taketo, Ken-Ichi Kodaira. Aureolysin of Staphylococcus warneri M accelerates its proteolytic cascade, and participates in biofilm formation. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry. 2016. 80. 6. 1238-42
MISC (5):
  • 横井 健二, 荒川 弦矢. 新・地方発バイオイノベーションの進展と機能性食素材開発 富山県農林水産総合技術センター食品研究所の発酵・醸造・バイオ分野に関する取組み. Food style 21 : 食品の機能と健康を考える科学情報誌. 2021. 25. 4. 18-21
  • Harada, Y., Yokoi, K. Effect of citric acid addition on histamine accumulation and component extraction during processing of Sakana Miso fish paste. 2018. 113. 2. 85-93
  • 横井 健二, 原田 恭行. 塩麹とその加工品について-特集 魚の発酵食 : 寝かせて待つ醍醐味. アクアネット = Aqua net : 産地と消費地をネットする水産情報誌. 2013. 16. 9. 31-33
  • 横井 健二, 吉岡 毅. 地方発バイオイノベーションの進展と機能性食素材開発 富山県発 フードイノベーション(2)キクイモを利用した健康食品の開発とその機能-Development of functional food using the Jerusalem artichoke tuber, and characterization of its functions. Food style 21 : 食品の機能と健康を考える科学情報誌. 2013. 17. 8. 29-31
  • 横井 健二. 地方発バイオイノベーションの進展と機能性食素材開発 富山県発 フードイノベーション(1)イカ黒作りの細菌叢解析-Characterization of the microflora of modern ika-kurozukuri, salted squid with ink and liver. Food style 21 : 食品の機能と健康を考える科学情報誌. 2013. 17. 7. 22-24
Professional career (1):
  • 工学 (富山大学)
Association Membership(s) (3):
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry ,  Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria ,  Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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