J-GLOBAL ID:200901053840919026   Update date: Nov. 14, 2023

Hisada Yukiko

ヒサダ ユキコ | Hisada Yukiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Research Assistant Professor
Research field  (5): Biological, health, and medical informatics ,  Healthcare management, medical sociology ,  Hydroengineering ,  Atmospheric and hydrospheric science ,  Civil engineering (environmental systems)
Research keywords  (4): telemedicine ,  ヒートアイランド現象 ,  都市型集中豪雨 ,  Urban climate
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2023 - 2027 Development and Validation of a technical training e-learning program for telemedicine conference in Asia
  • 2013 - 2016 Characteristics of Local Heavy Rainfall in provincial city
  • 2010 - 2012 Characteristics of localized heavy rainfall in the coastal cities
  • 2009 - 2011 気候変動にともなう都市型集中豪雨の予測に関する研究
  • 2009 - 2011 沿岸都市の高温化に対する海風の気温上昇抑制効果に関する研究
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Papers (34):
  • Shunta Tomimatsu, Yukiko Hisada, Shintaro Ueda, Kuriko Kudo, Yosuke Minoda, Tomohiko Moriyama. Evaluation of real-time encoscopy live demonstration using 360-degree camera and head-mounted display. Japanese Journal of Telemedcine and Telecare. 2023. 19. 2. 75-78
  • UEDA Shintaro, KUDO Kuriko, NAGAYOSHI Kinuko, HISADA Yukiko, MORIYAMA Tomohiko. Evaluation of the use of Meta Workrooms for video clonics on minimally invasive surgery. Japanese Journal of Telemedcine and Telecare. 2023. 19. 2. 71-74
  • Kuriko Kudo, Tatsuro Kudo, Shintaro Ueda, Yasuaki Antoku, Shunta TOmimatsu, Ho Shiaw-Hooi, Yukiko Hisada, Shuji Shimizu, Tomohiko Moriyama. The administrative burden on physicians and technicians for organizing international telemedicine conferences: Utility of a shared program management system in an international telemedicine network. Heliyon. 2022. 8. 11. e11297
  • 工藤孔梨子, 富松俊太, 早田美帆, 久田由紀子, 上田真太郎, 清水周次, 森山智彦. アジア発展途上国を対象とした遠隔医療教育技術に関するオンライン研修と現地評価. 日本遠隔医療学会雑誌. 2022. 18. 2. 108-111
  • UEDA Shintaro, KUDO Kuriko, HISADA Yukiko, TOMIMATSU Shunta, SHIMIZU Shuji, MORIYAMA Tomohiko. Image Quality Required for Online Case Conferences on Minimally Invasive Surgery. 日本遠隔医療学会雑誌. 2022. 18. 2. 131-134
MISC (10):
Lectures and oral presentations  (59):
  • Evaluation of endoscopy demonstration using a 360-degeree camera
  • 医学博士取得のためのオンライン予備審査の実施と評価
    (日本遠隔医療学会雑誌 2022)
  • 遠隔会議を用いた内視鏡ライブ配信への技術支援の評価
    (日本遠隔医療学会雑誌 2022)
  • Image Quality Required for Online Case Conferences on Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • アジア発展途上国を対象とした遠隔医療教育技術に関するオンライン研修と現地評価
    (日本遠隔医療学会雑誌 2022)
Education (3):
  • 2003 - 2005 Kyushu University Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
  • 2000 - 2002 Kyushu University Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences
  • 1989 - 1996 Kyushu University School of Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(工学) (九州大学)
Work history (7):
  • 2021/09 - 現在 Kyushu University Hospital Telemedcine Development Center of Asia, International Medical Department
  • 2020/12 - 2021/08 International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University
  • 2010/04 - 2020/03 九州大学 大学院総合理工学研究院 流体環境理工学部門 特任助教
  • 2009/01 - 2020/03 九州大学 大学院総合理工学研究院 流体環境理工学部門 学術研究員
  • 2007/01 - 2008/12 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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Awards (4):
  • 2006/03 - 日本気象学会九州支部 平成18年度日本気象学会九州支部奨励賞 福岡都市圏における大気熱環境に関する研究
  • 2003/03 - 土木学会西部支部 平成13年度土木学会西部支部研究発表会優秀賞 吹風流中に生起する二次循環流の水深依存性に関する実験的研究
  • 2002/11 - Cross Straits Symposium 4 BEST POSTERS Outstanding Paper Award The Characteristics of Land and Sea Breeze over Fukuoka Metropolitan Area
  • 2001/11 - Cross Straits Symposium 3 BEST POSTERS Outstanding Paper Award The Influence of Wind Waves on Secondary Circulation Induced in Wind-driven Currents
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Telemedicine and Telecare Association ,  大気環境学会 ,  日本風工学会 ,  日本気象学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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