J-GLOBAL ID:200901094812741228   Update date: Aug. 27, 2022

Minami Takayuki

ミナミ タカユキ | Minami Takayuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Basic analysis
Research keywords  (3): Hamiltonian systems ,  微分方程式 ,  Differential Equation
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • Hamilton系の解析
  • ハミルトン系の積分不可能性
  • non-intefrability
Papers (4):
  • Shigenori UEHARA, Ry uta HASHIMOTO, Takayuki MINAM. Report on curriculum of mathematics in Takuma campus. 2016. 7. 75-80
  • Shigenori UEHARA, Ryuuta HASHIMOTO, Takayuki MINAMI, Tokuhiro NAKAMURA, Yoji HIGASHIDA, Hiroaki TAKAHASHI, Ayumu HOSHINO. The exercises of the general education subjects in the scal 2013. 2014. 5. 5. 65-72
  • Ry ̄uta HASHIMOTO, Takayuki MINAMI, Hiroaki TANIGUCHI, Shigeru MORIOKA, Yoji HIGASHIDA. Katachi Project 2010 in Takuma. 2012. 2. 93-95
  • MINAMI Takayuki, Ryuta HASHIMOTO. Attempts to Use Muitimedia in Mathematics Classes. 2009. 37. 29-31
MISC (18):
  • 森 和憲, 南 貴之, 東田洋次, 小野安季良, 長岡史郎, 村上純一, 河田 純. 一般科目と専門科目の連携:専門科目を題材にした英語ビデオ教材の開発とその運用法に関する研究. 高専教育. 2008. 31. 207-212
  • MINAMI Takayuki, TANIGUCHI Hiroaki, SUNA Satoshi, HASHIMOTO Ryuta, NAKAMOTO Kazunori. A Report on Proficiency-based Teaching for Differential and Integral Calculus at Takuma National College of Technology. 2006. 13. 1. 53-60
  • Hamilton系が非Fuchs型変分方程式を持つ場合のPicard-Vessiot群の構造について. 詫間電波工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 2004. 32
  • On the Structure of the Picard-Vessiot Group of the Non-Fuchsian Normalized Variational Equation. THE BULLETIN OF TAKUMA NATIONAL COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. 2004. 32
  • resonantなmonodromy群を持つHamilton系の変分方程式の可解性について. 詫間電波工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 2003. 31
Books (5):
  • 応用数学
  • 応用数学 問題集
    数理工学社 2015
  • 大学偏入のための数学問題集
    大日本図書 2015
  • 微分積分 問題集
    数理工学社 2014
  • 微分積分
    数理工学社 2014
Education (4):
  • - 1986 Hiroshima University
  • - 1986 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
  • - 1983 Osaka University School of Science Department of Mathematics
  • - 1983 Osaka University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
  • master of science
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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