J-GLOBAL ID:200901097706906268   Update date: Jan. 17, 2024

Yamamoto John Wilson

ヤマモトーウィルソン ジョン | Yamamoto John Wilson
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor (retired)
Homepage URL  (1): http://educationalhub.org/anosensei
Research field  (3): Linguistics ,  Literature - European ,  Religious studies
Research keywords  (13): James Mabbe ,  Spanish translation ,  translation ,  religion ,  Stuart hispanist ,  novelist ,  Protestant ,  Catholic ,  Scotland ,  Reformation ,  Grace Webster ,  Bibliography ,  Augustine of Hippo
Papers (27):
  • John R. Yamamoto-Wilson. James Mabbe: The Spanish Bawd. Edited by José María Pérez Fernández. Pp. 412. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2013 (MHRA Tudor and Stuart Translations). Hb. £29.99. Translation and Literature. 2015. 24. 1. 99-103
  • John R. Yamamoto-Wilson. The Protestant Reception of Catholic Devotional Literature in England to 1700. Recusant History. 2014. 32. 1. 67-90
  • Yamamoto-Wilson John R. England and the Spanish Protestants to 1700. English Literature and Language. 2014. 50. 77-98
  • J. R. Yamamoto-Wilson. Robert persons's resolution (1582) and the issue of textual piracy in protestant editions of catholic devotional literature. Reformation and Renaissance Review. 2013. 15. 2. 177-198
  • John R. Yamamoto-Wilson. Mabbe's Maybes: A Stuart Hispanist in Context. TRANSLATION AND LITERATURE. 2012. 21. 3. 319-342
Books (2):
  • Pain, Pleasure and Perversity: discourses of Suffering in Seventeenth-Century England
    Ashgate Publishing Limited 2013 ISBN:9781409443957
  • 『Catholic Literature and the Rise of Anglicanism』(Renaissance monographs, 28)
    Renaissance Institute, Sophia University 2002
Lectures and oral presentations  (10):
  • The Reception of Catholic Devotional Literature by English Protestants to 1700.
    (Reformation Studies Colloquium, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge. 2014)
  • Bible and Populace in the English Reformation
    (Society for Reformation Studies 18th Annual Conference 2011)
  • Saint Augustine and the English Reformation
    (Society for Reformation Studies 17th Annual Conference 2010)
  • The Language of Discourse: Latin and the Vernacular during the English Reformation
    (Society for Reformation Studies 16th Annual Conference 2009)
  • Robert Persons' Book of Resolution
    (Renaissance Institute (Tokyo) Annual General Meeting 2008)
Education (1):
  • 1975 - 1978 Magdalene College( Univ. Cambridge) English Literature
Professional career (4):
  • Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (Magdalene College(Cambridge Univ.))
  • M.Litt. (English Literature) (Magdalene College(Canmbridge Univ.))
  • M.A in Applied Linguistics (University of Wales-Bangor)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (University of Cambridge)
Work history (1):
  • Sophia University Faculty of Humanities, Department of English Literature Professor
Association Membership(s) (2):
Renaissance Institute ,  Society for Reformation Studies
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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