J-GLOBAL ID:201410003008829804   Research Resource code:NBDC01224 Update date:Feb. 28, 2019


Owning Organization:
  • Charite - University Medicine Berlin, Institute for Physiology, Structural Bioinformatics Group
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (4): Genome/Gene ,  Genetic variation ,  Health/Disease ,  Drug
Tag (data type)  (2): Expression ,  Interaction/Pathway
Species (1): Homo sapiens (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 9606)
CancerResource is a database for drug-target relationships related to cancer as well as for supporting information or experimental data. Drug-target relationships are determined by a manually curated text-mining of publicly available literature. A couple of resources that provide similar data with slightly different background and intention are mined for comparison with the CancerResource text-mining and integrated into this knowledgebase. Moreover, to strengthen the literature mining, which is in its result a compilation of direct knowledge of drug-target relationships, interactions that are known in the PDB is added to that part.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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