J-GLOBAL ID:201410008222562400   Research Resource code:NBDC00175 Update date:Jun. 19, 2016


Owning Organization:
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Protein
Tag (data type)  (1): 3D structure
ProMode-Elastic is a database of normal mode analysis of PDB data using elastic network model in torsional angle space. Normal mode analysis are performed by unique developed program, PDBETA.
It provides the following information;
1) Fluctuation of atoms and Fluctuation of dihedral angles. Time average and data for the 3 lowest-frequency normal modes are given by graphs.
2) Correlation between fluctuating atoms. Time average and data for the 10 lowest-frequency normal modes are given by a triangle map. Furthermore, a distance map between residues are given by a triangle map.
3) Animation of fluctuating molecules displayed on the viewers, jV (PDBj) and Jmol, for the 10 lowest-frequency normal modes. GIF animation is also available.
4) Displacement vectors exhibited on the viewers, jV (PDBj) and Jmol, for the 10 lowest-frequency normal modes. Moreover, static images for displacement vectors are presented.
In this database, some numerical data are downloadable.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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