J-GLOBAL ID:201410085955292497   Research Resource code:NBDC00360 Update date:Jun. 17, 2013

Analysis of CASP8 targets and predictions

Analysis of CASP8 targets and predictions
Owning Organization:
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Protein
Tag (data type)  (1): 3D structure
Analysis of CASP8 targets and predictions is a database about the analysis of CASP8 targets and predictions. This database provides 3D models (TS: Tertiary structure prediction) which were evaluated using LGA GDT-TS scores and several other methods. Server models superimposed with target structures are downloadable and can be visualized as PyMOL scripts. Structure images including mostly animated GIFs on target pages are prepared in PyMOL.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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