J-GLOBAL ID:201410089239001690   Research Resource code:NBDC00260 Update date:Jun. 17, 2013

DGVa: Database of Genomic Variants Archive

DGVa: Database of Genomic Variants Archive
Owning Organization:
  • EMBL-EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute)
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (2): Genetic variation ,  Health/Disease
Tag (data type)  (3): Phenotype ,  Sequence ,  Bibliography/Documents
DGVa (Database of Genomic Variants archive) is a repository that offers the storage of, access to and sharing of available genomic structural variants, in all species.
This repository receives information from, and supplies data to, a number of resources.
The database contains information on variations at the single nucleotide level as well as on variations ranging from tens to thousands of base pairs and more in size.
Data on deletions, insertions, translocations and inversions are supplied.
These variations are important in the medical field since they probably play a major role in the development of disease.
It is also becoming evident that genomic structural variations have an important effect on an individual's characteristics and is therefore of significant value to study and understand, as is the role it has played in the evolution of species.
Data can be downloaded as DVF files, searched for in the Ensembl Genome Browser or found in the Database of Genomic Variants.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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