J-GLOBAL ID:201410097177413891   Research Resource code:NBDC01300 Update date:Oct. 27, 2019

The Database of Properties of South-east Asian Timbers

東南アジア産材の木材特性データベース (The Database of Properties of South-east Asian Timbers)
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Organism
Species (2): Spermatophyta (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 58024) ,  Moniliformopses (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 241806)
This is a database of long-term data on coniferous and deciduous trees. It includes data about 68 genuses and 93 species of coniferous and deciduous trees in 11 regions of South East Asia, and 2 regions of Papua New Guinea, collected by the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. The accumulated data include physical characteristics such as volume density, percentage of contraction, and water absorption, processing suitability such as drying and cutting, strength properties such as bending strength, and chemical properties such as pulp properties. Furthermore, the site contains slice photos of timber viewed as a cross-sectional surface, straight grain surface, and cross grain surface by light microscopy, as well as color photos of timber surfaces. This database can be used as a basic resource for selecting appropriate woods when creating timber for building, furniture, or plywoods and laminated lumber.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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