J-GLOBAL ID:201410027516769295   Research Resource code:NBDC00279 Update date:Jun. 17, 2013


Owning Organization:
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (data type)  (1): Portal
GenomeNet is a Japanese network of database resources and bioinformatics tools constructed by Kyoto University Bioinformatics Center. GenomeNet provides following resources and services.
1. Integrated database retrieval system (DBGET)
2. Databases for genome research and biomedical science (KEGG, varDB, community databases of collaborators, etc)
3. Bioinformatics tools for sequence, genome and chemical analysis (BLAST / FASTA, OC Viewer, SIMCOMP / SUBCOMP, etc)
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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