J-GLOBAL ID:201410034339503014   Research Resource code:NBDC00660 Update date:Jun. 17, 2013

RIKEN BRC: RIKEN BioResource Center

RIKEN BRCのバイオリソース
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (3): cDNA/EST ,  Organism ,  Cell/Organelle
Tag (data type)  (1): Bioresource
Species (6): Homo sapiens (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 9606) ,  Mus musculus (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 10090) ,  Embryophyta (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 3193) ,  Bacteria (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 2) ,  Archaea (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 2157) ,  Viruses (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 10239)
RIKEN BRC is a portal site for biological resources and associated bioinformatics tools maintained by RIKEN. RIKEN BRC contains catalogs and search systems for experimental animals, plants, cultured cell lines and DNA materials. Users can search available resources from the website of each search system or catalog.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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