J-GLOBAL ID:201410077250763587   Research Resource code:NBDC00400 Update date:Jan. 13, 2022

ConfC (Archive): Database of conformation changes in protein structures

ConfC (アーカイブ): Database of conformation changes in protein structures
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Protein
Tag (data type)  (1): 3D structure
ConfC is a database of the structure of protein and how its conformation changes for various reasons.
Three sub-databases are offered. The first contains changes in protein structure which took place over many years (evolution). The second describes changes that take place when proteins bind with one another. The third contains data on small fluctuations in the structure of different molecules in a sample of a protein.
The purpose of this collection is to determine the effect mutations, deletions and insertions in the RNA sequence coding for the production of various proteins have upon the stability of its structure and how these affect its function. It also aims to determine whether structural changes may lead to the development of disease and to suggest ways in which these can be prevented or treated.
A simple search function, where search parameters are entered, is available.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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