J-GLOBAL ID:201410084813327203   Research Resource code:NBDC00962 Update date:May. 29, 2022

Database Catalog (Archive)

生命科学系データベースカタログ (アーカイブ)
Owning Organization:
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (data type)  (1): Bibliography/Documents
Database catalog is a collection of information on life science-related databases. Records are mainly collected from databases constructed in Japan, and are maintained by the National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) at the Japan Science Technology Agency (JST). Each record contains the URL, status of the database site (active or inactive), description, etc, and most records include organizations and categories (types of data). Users can search databases from hierarchical trees and lists, as well as by keywords from those items.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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