J-GLOBAL ID:201410093310919498   Research Resource code:NBDC00803 Update date:Jul. 23, 2018

Invasive Species of Japan

侵入生物データベース (Invasive Species of Japan)
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Organism
Tag (data type)  (2): Image/Movie ,  Bibliography/Documents
Species (15): Mammalia (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 40674) ,  Aves (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 8782) ,  Amphibia (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 8292) ,  Insecta (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 50557) ,  Tracheophyta (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 58023) ,  Actinopterygii (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 7898) ,  Testudines (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 8459) ,  Lepidosauria (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 8504) ,  Crocodylia (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1294634) ,  Arthropoda (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 6656) ,  Mollusca (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 6447) ,  Ascidiacea (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 7713) ,  Nematoda (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 6231) ,  Polychaeta (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 6341) ,  Planaria (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1292361)
Invasive Species of Japan is a integrated database of invasive and alien species in Japan. Each entry contains basic and invasion information, such as range, route, impact, etc. The database allows to search with keywords or browse by taxon. Moreover, it provides links to online resources.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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