J-GLOBAL ID:201901005485541770   Update date: Apr. 19, 2024

Junko Takita

タキタ ジュンコ | Junko Takita
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Hematology and oncology ,  Medical biochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (21):
  • 2021 - 2023 Development of novel therapeutic strategies for pediatric solid tumor based on non-diver gene targeted approaches.
  • 2020 - 2023 Integrated analysis of mechanisms of genetic susceptibility to cancer and clonal evolution in pediatric cancer
  • 2018 - 2020 Elucidation of crosstalk between pediatric cancers and neural development and its application for novel therapeutic strategies
  • 2017 - 2020 Development of novel therapeutic strategies for intractable pediatric cancers based on the multi-omics information
  • 2014 - 2017 Integrative analysis of DNA and RNA structural analysis in refractory leukemia in children
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Papers (453):
  • Kentaro Akagi, Shiro Baba, Hiroaki Fujita, Yasuhiro Fuseya, Daisuke Yoshinaga, Hirohito Kubota, Eitaro Kume, Fumiaki Fukumura, Koichi Matsuda, Takayuki Tanaka, et al. HOIL-1L deficiency induces cell cycle alteration which causes immaturity of skeletal muscle and cardiomyocytes. Scientific reports. 2024. 14. 1. 8871-8871
  • Kentaro Watanabe, Keiji Tasaka, Hideto Ogata, Shota Kato, Hiroo Ueno, Katsutsugu Umeda, Tomoya Isobe, Yasuo Kubota, Masahiro Sekiguchi, Shunsuke Kimura, et al. Inhibition of the galactosyltransferase C1GALT1 reduces osteosarcoma cell proliferation by interfering with ERK signaling and cell cycle progression. Cancer Gene Therapy. 2024
  • Takayuki Miyamoto, Kazushi Izawa, Sho Masui, Atsue Yamazaki, Yuichi Yamasaki, Tadashi Matsubayashi, Mayuka Shiraki, Hidenori Ohnishi, Junko Yasumura, Kawabe Tomohiro, et al. Clinical characteristics of cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome and long-term real-world efficacy and tolerability of canakinumab in Japan: results of a nationwide survey. Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.). 2024
  • Hidemasa Matsuo, Aina Inagami, Yuri Ito, Nana Ito, Shinju Iyoda, Yutarou Harata, Moe Higashitani, Kota Shoji, Miu Tanaka, Mina Noura, et al. Parbendazole as a promising drug for inducing differentiation of acute myeloid leukemia cells with various subtypes. Communications biology. 2024. 7. 1. 123-123
  • Hisashi Ishida, Shin-Ichi Tsujimoto, Daisuke Hasegawa, Hirotoshi Sakaguchi, Shohei Yamamoto, Masakatsu Yanagimachi, Katsuyoshi Koh, Akihiro Watanabe, Asahito Hama, Yuko Cho, et al. Optimizing transplantation procedures through identification of prognostic factors in second remission for children with acute myeloid leukemia with no prior history of transplant. Haematologica. 2024. 109. 1. 312-317
MISC (406):
  • 日衛嶋栄太郎, 川島祐介, 仁平寛士, 井澤和司, 児玉浩子, 乾あやの, 東口素子, 滝田順子, 小原収, 八角高裕. ろ紙血プロテオーム解析を用いたWilson病新規スクリーニング法の可能性. 日本先天代謝異常学会雑誌. 2023. 39
  • 荒川 芳輝, 山本 悦子, 梅田 雄嗣, 峰晴 陽平, 宇藤 恵, 滝田 順子, 溝脇 尚志, 宮本 享. 小児悪性脳腫瘍の長期成績からみた課題と展望 高線量放射線治療が中枢神経原発ジャーミノーマの晩期有害事象増加に関与する. 小児の脳神経. 2022. 47. 2. 171-171
  • 大部 聡, 梅田 雄嗣, 才田 聡, 加藤 格, 平松 英文, 荒川 芳輝, 宇藤 恵, 溝脇 尚志, 足立 壮一, 滝田 順子. 頭蓋内germinomaの診断における髄液中胎盤型アルカリフォスファターゼ(PLAP)の有用性. 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌. 2021. 58. 4. 295-295
  • 土屋 邦彦, 宮地 充, 細野 亜古, 小川 淳, 菊田 敦, 木下 義晶, 野澤 久美子, 藤 浩, 滝田 順子, 大喜多 肇, et al. 小児の保健・医療のエビデンスを構築する前向き研究 希少疾患 横紋筋肉腫に対する臨床研究. 日本小児科学会雑誌. 2021. 125. 2. 164-164
  • 細井 創, 宮地 充, 土屋 邦彦, 細野 亜古, 小川 淳, 菊田 敦, 木下 義晶, 野澤 久美子, 藤 浩, 滝田 順子, et al. 我が国における横紋筋肉腫治療多施設共同研究の歴史と今後の展望. 日本小児科学会雑誌. 2021. 125. 2. 191-191
Lectures and oral presentations  (3):
  • クリオピリン関連周期熱症候群における体細胞モザイク変異率の推移とシングルセル解析による病態解明
    (日本小児リウマチ学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 2022)
  • 神経芽腫における新規TENM 3-ALK融合遺伝子の解析(Novel ALK fusion in neuroblastoma involving TENM3, a conserved family of transmembrane protein)
    (日本癌学会総会記事 2022)
  • 免疫不全と日和見感染症 CDC42 C-term変異体はゴルジ体に集積してpyrinインフラマソームの過剰活性化を引き起こす
    (日本臨床免疫学会総会プログラム・抄録集 2021)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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