J-GLOBAL ID:200901033361260590   更新日: 2022年08月14日

高崎 みどり

タカサキ ミドリ | Takasaki Midori
職名: 教授
研究分野 (2件): 薬系化学、創薬科学 ,  生物分子化学
研究キーワード (6件): 天然資源 ,  生薬学 ,  天然物化学 ,  Natural Resources ,  Pharmacognosy ,  Natural Products Chemistry
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
  • 漢方方剤による抗発癌プロモーター作用
  • ユーカリ属植物に含まれる生物活性成分
  • 天然物による化学発癌予防
  • Anti-Tumor-Promoting Activities of Kampo Prescriptions.
  • Biological Active Constituents of Eucalyptus Plants
MISC (66件):
  • Anticarcinogenic activity of natural sweeteners, cucurbitane glycosides, from Momordica grosvenori, Midori Takasaki, Takao Konoshima, Yuji Murata, Masaki Sugiura, Hoyoku Nishino, Harukuni Tokuda, Kazuhiro Matsumoto, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki. Cancer Letters,. 2003. 198. 1. 37-42
  • Chemoprevention of DMBA-induced UV-B promoted, NOR-1 induced TPA promoted skin carcinogenesis, and DEN-induced phenobarbital promoted liver tumors in mice by extract of beet root. Govind J. Kapadia, Magnus A. Azuine, Rajagopalan Sridhar, Yoko Okuda, At・・・. Pharmacological Res.,. 2003. 47. 2. 141-148
  • Anticarcinogenic activity of natural sweeteners, cucurbitane glycosides, from Momordica grosvenori.Midori Takasaki, Takao Konoshima, Yuji Murata, Masaki Sugiura, Hoyoku Nishino, Tokuda, Kazuhiro Matsumoto, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki Harukuni. Cancer Letters,. 2003. 198. 1. 37-42
  • Chemoprevention of DMBA-induced UV-B promoted, NOR-1 induced TPA promoted skin carcinogenesis, and DEN-induced phenobarbital promoted liver tumors in mice by extract of beet root. Govind J. Kapadia, Magnus A. Azuine, Rajagopalan Sridhar, Yoko Okuda, At・・・. Pharmacological Res.,. 2003. 47. 2. 141-148
  • Midori Takasaki : Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-Industrial Profiles Vol.22, Eucalyptus.(Part 3, Biological and End-use Aspects) ; (ed. by J.J. Coppen) : Chemistry and Bioactivity of the non-volatile constituents of eucalyptus. <i>Taylor & Francis (London and New York),</i>. 2002. 269-290
書籍 (4件):
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-Industrial Profiles Vol.22 Eucalyptus, The Genus Eucalyptus(共著)
    Taylor & Francis 2002
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-Industrial Profiles Vol.22 Eucalyptus, The Genus Eucalyptus(共著)
    Taylor & Francis 2002
  • Anti-Tumor-Promoting Activities(Cancer chemopreventive Activities)of Natural Products
    ELSEVIER・Studies in Natural Products Chemistry 2000
  • Food Factors for Cancer Prevention(共著)
    Springer-Verlag(Tokyo) 1997
学歴 (2件):
  • - 1984 京都薬科大学 薬学部 薬学科
  • - 1984 京都薬科大学
学位 (1件):
  • 薬学博士 (京都薬科大学)
経歴 (2件):
  • 2004 - 京都薬科大学薬学部 講師
  • 1984 - 2003 京都薬科大学薬学部 助手
所属学会 (5件):
日本フリーラジカル学会 ,  日本がん予防研究会 ,  日本癌学会 ,  日本生薬学会 ,  日本薬学会
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