J-GLOBAL ID:200901035437649819   更新日: 2024年01月31日

行弘 研司

ユクヒロ ケンジ | Yukuhiro Kenji
研究分野 (1件): 遺伝学
研究キーワード (3件): Phylogeographics ,  Evolution ,  Genetic variation
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • Bombyxの転位因子の遺伝的多様性:因子のヌクレオチド配列と フランキング領域の多様性 フィブロイン遺伝子の構造及びその多様性
  • Genetic diversity in transpositional elements of Bombyx: variation in nucleotide sequence of elements and their flanking regions Molecular organization and its diversity of fibroin genes
論文 (29件):
  • Takuya Tsubota, Taiyo Yoshioka, Akiya Jouraku, Takao K Suzuki, Naoyuki Yonemura, Kenji Yukuhiro, Tsunenori Kameda, Hideki Sezutsu. Transcriptomic analysis of the bagworm moth silk gland reveals a number of silk genes conserved within Lepidoptera. Insect science. 2020. 28. 4. 885-900
  • Akihiro Wada, Hiroki Sakaguchi, Masanobu Itoh, Kenji Yukuhiro, Yasuko Kato. Frequencies of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes are characteristically inherited for generations in each population of the wild mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mandarina. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology. 2019. 88. 3. 49-54
  • Kenji Yukuhiro, Hiroki Sakaguchi, Natuo Kômoto, Shuichiro Tomita, Masanobu Itoh. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms indicate four distinctive distributions of Japanese Bombyx mandarina populations. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology. 2017. 86. 3. 77-84
  • Kenji Yukuhiro, Hideki Sezutsu, Takuya Tsubota, Yoko Takasu, Tsunenori Kameda, Naoyuki Yonemura. Insect silks and cocoons: Structural and molecular aspects. Extracellular Composite Matrices in Arthropods. 2016. 515-555
  • Komoto Natuo, Kuwabara Nobuo, Yukuhiro Kenji. Absence of hybrids between the domesticated silkmoth, Bombyx mori, and the wild mulberry silkmoth, B. mandarina, in natural populations around sericulture farms. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology. 2016. 85. 3. 3_067-3_071
MISC (72件):
書籍 (1件):
  • Insect silks and cocoons: Structural and molecular aspects in "Extracellular composite matrices in Arthropods
    Springer 2017
学位 (1件):
  • 理学博士
経歴 (4件):
  • 2016/04 - 現在 農研機構 主席研究員
  • 2014/01 - 2016/03 国立研究開発法人農業生物資源研究所 上級研究員
  • 2001/04 - 2013/12 国立研究開発法人農業生物資源研究所 主任研究員
  • 1990/04 - 2001/03 農林水産省蚕糸・昆虫農業研究所
所属学会 (8件):
昆虫DNA研究会 ,  日本野蚕学会 ,  日本蚕糸学会 ,  日本遺伝学会 ,  The Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution ,  The Japanese Society of Sericultural Science ,  The Genetics Society of Japan ,  The Genetics Society of America
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