J-GLOBAL ID:200901042906901245   更新日: 2008年01月17日

エドガルド ロンドニオ

エドガルド ロンドニオ | Edgardo LONDOÑO
ホームページURL (1件): http://science.scc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ambl/english/E_member/eddy.html
研究キーワード (5件): Bioerosion. ,  Coral Reefs ,  Intertidal fauna ,  Co-existence mechanisms ,  Community Ecology
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2002 - Community Ecology
MISC (1件):
  • Abundance and distribution patterns of infaunal associates and macroborers of the branched coral (Pocillopora damicornis) in Gorgona island (Tropical Eastern Pacific). Bulletin of Marine Science. 2003. Vol 72, Issue 4, Pp. 207-219
書籍 (1件):
  • Gorgona Marina, contribución al conocimiento de una isla única
受賞 (4件):
  • 2001 - Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Monbusho) of Japan, Scholarship fellow, from April 2001.
  • 2000 - Colciencias National Prize for Ecology working groups 2000. Research group in Ecology of Estuaries and Mangroves. Awarded in A category.
  • 1999 - Colciencias National Prize for Ecology working groups 1999. Research group in Ecology of Estuaries and Coral Reefs from the Pacific coast of Colombia. Awarded in A category.
  • 1998 - Association for International Education, Japan (AIEJ) Scholarship fellow, September 1/98 - March 31/99. Fisheries Faculty, de Kagoshima University, Japan.
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