J-GLOBAL ID:200901044496676462   更新日: 2008年02月14日

高井 元弘

タカイ モトヒロ | Takai Motohiro
職名: 室長
研究キーワード (8件): 推進システム ,  破面解析 ,  動力伝達軸 ,  有限要素法 ,  propulsion system ,  fracture surface analysis ,  power transmission shaft ,  finite element method
MISC (10件):
  • Torsional Failure of Hole Notched FW Tube. Proc.of the 70th JSME Fall Annual Meeting, Vol.13 (in Japanese) pp.190-192, (Nov.1992)
  • Stress and Deformation of Keyless Propeller Boss. Proc.of the 52th MESJ Fall Annual Meeting, Vol.1, pp.161-164 (in Japanese) 1994
  • Stress Analysis of Tapered Joint Surface in Keyless Propeller by Computer Simulation. Journal of the Marine Engineering Society in Japan, Vol.33, No.9, 1998
  • Numerical Simulation of Melted Droplet Deformation. Proc.of the 1995 Annual Meeting of JSME/MMD Vol.A, pp.295-296 (in Japanese) 1995
  • Analysis of Rough Contact Problems by the Method of Mesh Super Position. Proceedings of 2000 Annual Meeting of JSME/CMD (2000.11)
学歴 (2件):
  • 北海道大学
  • 北海道大学
所属学会 (3件):
The Society of Materials Science, Japan ,  The Marine Engineering Society in Japan ,  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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