J-GLOBAL ID:200901047111989553   更新日: 2022年09月02日

軸丸 勇士

ジクマル ユウシ | Zikumaru Yushi
職名: 教授
研究分野 (3件): 半導体、光物性、原子物理 ,  教科教育学、初等中等教育学 ,  科学教育
研究キーワード (6件): 物理教育 ,  科学教育 ,  固体物性(]G0001[) ,  Physics Education ,  Science Education ,  Solid State Physics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (12件):
  • 1990 - 体験的学習を重視した教員資質の向上への試み
  • 1990 - Improving the quality of students as pre-service teachers with special empasis on empirical learning
  • 1985 - 理科教育改善のための実験装置の開発
  • 1985 - Development of experimental apparatus to improve science education
  • 1970 - 核4重極共鳴による構造相転移の研究
MISC (56件):
  • 軸丸 勇士, 藤井 弘也, 中崎 眞由美, 山下 茂, 大岩 幸太郎. A Device for Scientific Experiment to Assist Schoolchildren to Understand and Natural Science and Its Making in Cooperation with the University. The research bulletin of the faculty of education, Oita University. 2003. 25. 2. 287-296
  • The Actual Conditions at Primary School Found out by Analyzing the Results of Questionnaires on the Teaching of Science. The research bulletin of attached research and guidance center for classroom teaching, Oita University. 2003. 20. 63-71
  • How a University Should Contribute to Social Education and Extracurricular Teaching in Cooperation with a Community. The research bulletin of research center for lifelong learning, Oita University. 2003. 3. 33-46
  • 軸丸 勇士, 藤井 弘也, 山下 茂 [他]. The actual academic conditions of science students in the faculty of education. The research bulletin of the faculty of education, Oita University. 2003. 25. 1. 169-178
  • Field studies and out-of-school lessons in cooperation with municipal boards of education. Studies in curriculum research and development. 2003. 21, 215-229
書籍 (6件):
  • A Tentative Approach to Pre-Service Teacher Education through Firsthand Experience
    Studies in Curriculum research and development 1999
  • 主体的に活動する子どもを育てる支援の工夫
    明治図書 1997
  • Nurturing in children a willingness to engage in learning activition
    Meijitosho Co. 1997
  • 児童・生徒・学生の学習実態 -大分県下1.1万人のアンケートから-
    自費出版 1996
  • 理科教育へのコンピューター利用
    大分大学教育学部理科教育専修 1996
Works (4件):
  • Webベースで遠隔操作可能な中等教育での理科実験教材の研究
    2002 - 2003
  • A Study on the Teaching Materials to be Used for the Secondary School Science Experiments Available by the Remote Control Operation Based on the Web Base
    2002 - 2003
  • 大学間交換授業による教員養成学部における物理教育-SCSを利用した初等物理実験に関する遠隔授業-
    1997 - 2000
  • Physics Education by the Intercollegiate Joint Classes in Faculty of Teacher Training -Elementary Experiments in Physics Using the SCS-
    1997 - 2000
所属学会 (4件):
日本科学教育学会 ,  日本物理教育学会 ,  日本放射光学会 ,  日本物理学会
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