J-GLOBAL ID:200901047604227156   更新日: 2008年05月06日

RASHID Harun'Ur Md

ラシッド ハルンーウル モハマド | Rashid Harun'Ur Md
職名: その他
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • -
  • Indentification & Probiofic characteristics of LAB isolated from Fermented Milk 'DAHI' in Bamgladesh
MISC (10件):
  • The effects of feeding mustard oil cake and sesame oil cake on milk yield and body weight change of dairy cows. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science. 2001. 30. 1-2. 171-174
  • study on chemical and microbiological qualty of milk collected from Milk Vita. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science. 2001. 30. 1-2. 43-48
  • Utilzation of jackfruit juice on the manufacture of yoghurt. Online Journal of Biological Science, Pakistan. 2001. 1. 9. 880-882
  • The effects of feeding mustard oil cake and sesame oil cake on milk yield and body of change of dairy cows. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science. 2001. 30. 1-2. 171-174
  • study on chemical and microbiological quality of milk collected from Milk Vita. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science. 2001. 30. 1-2. 43-48
書籍 (2件):
  • A comparative study on chemical quality of raw and Pasteurized milk
    Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 1999
  • A comparative study on chemical quality of raw and Pasteurized milk
    Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 1999
学歴 (2件):
  • - 1996 岡山大学
  • Bangladesh Agricaltural University, Mymensingh-2002, Bangladesh
学位 (1件):
  • Master of Science in Dairy Science
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