J-GLOBAL ID:200901096863997777   更新日: 2024年02月14日

SINGH Deep Chandra

シン ディープ チャンドラ | Singh Deep Chandra
職名: 大学院生(博士)
研究分野 (2件): 計測工学 ,  電子デバイス、電子機器
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2002 - 2004 光ファイバを用いたCMCセンサに関する研究
MISC (64件):
  • C.D.Singh, H.Isobe, H.Suzuki, T.Fujimani and M.Ogita "Critical micelle concentration (CMC) sensor based on U-shaped optical fiber doped porous Sol-Gel cladding" Graduate School of Electronic Science and Technology. Shizuoka University, Japan. 2003
  • Y.Shibata, C.D.Singh, T.Fujimani and Masami Ogita, "CMC detection using optical fiber absorption effect" JSAP-RS. The 50th Spring meeting,2003, Yokohama, Japan. 2003. March 27-30
  • C.D.Singh, Y.Shibata, T.Fujimani and Masami Ogita, "Determination of criitival micelle concentration using U-shaped fiber optic probes" JSAP-RS. The 50th Spring meeting,2003, Yokohama, Japan, March. 2003. 27-30
  • M.Ogita, M.Nakao, C.D.Singh, I.Mogi, and S.Awaji "A novel approach for simultaneous measurements of Hall effect and magnetoresistance effect in solid and liquid state of gallium and Mercury metals,". 7th International Symposium of research in high magnetic fields Toulouse, France, July 20-23. 2003
  • M.Ogita, M.Nakao, C.D.Singh, I.Mogi, and S.Awaji, "Simultaneous measuremwnts of Hall effect and magnetoresistance effect in solid and liquid state of Gallium and Mercury metals" 2nd International conference on Global research and E・・・. Warsa, Poland. 2003. September 8-12
学歴 (1件):
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