J-GLOBAL ID:201301030334706742   更新日: 2022年08月28日

尾嶋 万紀

オジマ マキ | Ojima Maki
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (1件): 外国語教育
研究キーワード (3件): 留学事前指導 ,  ライティング ,  第二言語教育(英語)
論文 (5件):
  • Tartan, S, Ojima, M, Imai, Y. Sophia alumni’s English needs and usage at workplace. Lingua. 2015. 25. 25. 45-67
  • Maki Ojima. Academic discourse socialisation: Preparing students for study abroad experiences. Lingua Special Issue on CLIL. 2015. 59-67
  • Maki Ojima. Rhetorical patterns in argumentative essays: A case of a Japanese graduate student in the UK. Lingua. 2012. 23. 23. 29-60
  • Maki Ojima. Development and identity in four Japanese postgraduate students’ writing. Unpublished PhD thesis. 2008
  • Maki Ojima. Concept mapping as pre-task planning: A case study of three Japanese ESL writers. System. 2006. 34. 4. 566-585
講演・口頭発表等 (7件):
  • Pre-departure English language course for students who study abroad
    (JACET International Convention 2017)
  • 法政大学における英語強化プログラムの実践と課題
    (大学英語教育学会 (JACET) 国際大会 2016)
  • A CLIL Approach to Preparing Students for Studying Degree Programmes in English
    (Symposium for CLIL in a Japanese Tertiary Education Context 2016)
  • On-Line Alumni Surveys as a Part of English Needs and Usage Analysis
    (JACET International Convention 2013)
  • What to Write and How to Write It: An Inquiry into Disciplinary Acculturation through Feedback-Revision Processes
    (the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA) 2011)
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(教育学) (ロンドン大学)
経歴 (1件):
  • 2018/04/01 - 早稲田大学 グローバルエデュケーションセンター 非常勤講師
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