J-GLOBAL ID:201301092148955258   更新日: 2024年01月17日

Sergey Kurkin

クルキン セルゲイ | Kurkin Sergey
ホームページURL (1件): http://niseiri.med.hokudai.ac.jp/
研究分野 (1件): 神経科学一般
研究キーワード (4件): VOR ,  vergence ,  neural control of smooth eye movements ,  smooth pursuit
論文 (38件):
講演・口頭発表等 (2件):
  • Population Responses of Floccular Purkinje Cells During Vergence Pursuit
    (XXVI Bárány Society Meeting 2010)
  • MST activity during memory-based smooth pursuit eye movements: comparison with the supplementary eye fields (SEF).
    (Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2009)
学位 (1件):
  • Ph.D. in biophysics (Institute of Biophysics, Pushchino)
経歴 (2件):
  • 1996/09 - 2000/12 Japan Science and Technology Corporation Researcher
  • 1984/09 - 1996/09 A.B.Kogan Institute for Neurocybernetics Senior Scientist
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