J-GLOBAL ID:201401033278965060   更新日: 2024年01月31日

平井 悠哉

Hirai Yuya
研究分野 (1件): 細胞生物学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2019 - 2021 RNAヘリカーゼによる核小体とストレス顆粒の機能関連制御機構の解明
  • 2014 - 2017 ウイルスから探る分裂期染色体へのRNP局在機構の解明
論文 (15件):
  • Yuya Hirai, Masayuki Horie. Nyamanini Virus Nucleoprotein and Phosphoprotein Organize Viral Inclusion Bodies That Associate with Host Biomolecular Condensates in the Nucleus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. 24. 7. 6550-6550
  • Yuya Hirai, Keizo Tomonaga, Masayuki Horie. Borna disease virus phosphoprotein triggers the organization of viral inclusion bodies by liquid-liquid phase separation. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2021. 192. 55-63
  • Yuya Hirai, Keizo Tomonaga, Masayuki Horie. The mechanism underlying the organization of Borna disease virus inclusion bodies is unique among mononegaviruses. 2021
  • Yuya Hirai, Eisuke Domae, Yoshihiro Yoshikawa, Keizo Tomonaga. Differential roles of two DDX17 isoforms in the formation of membraneless organelles. Journal of biochemistry. 2020. 168. 1. 33-40
  • Yuya Hirai, Eisuke Domae, Yoshihiro Yoshikawa, Hideyuki Okamura, Akiko Makino, Keizo Tomonaga. Intracellular dynamics of actin affects Borna disease virus replication in the nucleus. Virus research. 2019. 263. 179-183
MISC (1件):
  • Masahiro Kumeta, Yasuhiro Hirano, Yuya Hirai, Ken Hashida, Shige H. Yoshimura, Kunio Takeyasu. Mitotic specific translocation of one of the focal adhesion proteins, α-actinin 4, to the nucleolar organizer regions. EMBO workshop: The nucleolus and disease. 2008
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