J-GLOBAL ID:201702239872334815   整理番号:17A0991158

当事者主導研究 User-led studyの動向と未来について

著者 (3件):
号: 増刊第9号  ページ: 169-173  発行年: 2017年08月10日 
JST資料番号: L5131A  ISSN: 1345-9171  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 日本語 (JA)
引用文献 (9件):
  • Brabban A, Byrne R, Longden E & Morrison AP (in press) The importance of human relationships, ethics and recovery-orientated values in the delivery of CBT for people with psychosis. Psychosis : Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches.
  • Byrne R & Morrison AP (2014a) Service users' priorities and preferences for treatment of psychosis : A user-led Delphi study. Psychiatric Services 65 ; 1167-1169.
  • Byrne RE & Morrison AP (2014b) Young people at risk of psychosis : Their subjective experiences of monitoring and cognitive behaviour therapy in the early detection and intervention evaluation 2 trial. Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice 87 ; 357-371.
  • INVOLVE (2012) Briefing notes for researchers : Involving the public in NHS, public health and social care research. INVOLVE, Eastleigh.
  • Kilbride M, Byrne R, Price J, Wood L, Barratt S, Welford M & Morrison AP (2012) Exploring service users' perceptions of cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis : A user led study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 41 ; 89-102.
タイトルに関連する用語 (4件):
