J-GLOBAL ID:201801012634017590   更新日: 2024年02月12日

北尾 光俊

キタオ ミツトシ | Kitao Mitsutoshi
職名: グループ長
研究分野 (1件): 森林科学
研究キーワード (4件): ストレス応答 ,  光阻害 ,  光合成 ,  樹木生理
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件):
  • 2023 - 2027 針葉樹の耐陰性の違いは光合成反応を通して冬季乾燥害の感受性に影響を与える
  • 2020 - 2024 常緑針葉樹の光合成調節機構の複合体プロテオミクスおよび分光学的手法よる統合的解析
  • 2020 - 2023 紅葉は樹冠内部の葉を守り、樹冠全体での炭素獲得と窒素回収に貢献する
  • 2017 - 2020 春の光阻害は常緑針葉樹の生存を決める要因となる
  • 2017 - 2019 外生菌接種によるカラマツコンテナ苗の環境ストレス耐性向上に関する研究
論文 (109件):
  • Mitsutoshi Kitao, Hisanori Harayama, Naoyuki Furuya, Evgenios Agathokleous, Satoshi Ishibashi. Regeneration of forest floor-grown seedlings of Sakhalin fir can be promoted through shading by shelter trees. Journal of Forest Research. 2023. 1-8
  • Hisanori Harayama, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Mitsutoshi Kitao, Takeshi Yamada, Naoyuki Furuya, Hajime Utsugi, Shozo Sasaki. Effects of Seedling Size, Stock Type, and Mechanical Site Preparation Method on Initial Survival and Growth of Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi) Seedlings. Forests. 2023. 14. 4. 784
  • Evgenios Agathokleous, Mitsutoshi Kitao, Yasutomo Hoshika, Matthew Haworth, Yanhong Tang, Takayoshi Koike. Ethylenediurea protects against ozone phytotoxicity not by adding nitrogen or controlling stomata in a stomata-unresponsive hybrid poplar. Science of The Total Environment. 2023. 162672-162672
  • Hisanori Harayama, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Akira Uemura, Mitsutoshi Kitao, Qingmin Han, Shigeo Kuramoto, Hajime Utsugi. Growth and survival of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) and Japanese larch under various intensities of competition. New Forests. 2022. 54. 5. 945-961
  • Evgenios Agathokleous, Mitsutoshi Kitao, Masabumi Komatsu, Yutaka Tamai, Hisanori Harayama, Takayoshi Koike. Single and combined effects of fertilization, ectomycorrhizal inoculation, and drought on container-grown Japanese larch seedlings. Journal of Forestry Research. 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11676-022-01565-3
MISC (109件):
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