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J-GLOBAL ID:201702228296051910   整理番号:17A1118316

新しい肝選択的基礎インスリンpeglispro(BIL)は1型および2型糖尿病患者におけるインスリングラルギンと比較したインスリン感受性を特異的に影響しない【Powered by NICT】

Novel hepato-preferential basal insulin peglispro (BIL) does not differentially affect insulin sensitivity compared with insulin glargine in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
著者 (11件):
Porksen Niels
(Eli Lilly and Company, Departments of endocrinology, clinical pharmacology, PK/PD and drug disposition Indianapolis, Indiana)
Linnebjerg Helle
(Eli Lilly and Company, Departments of endocrinology, clinical pharmacology, PK/PD and drug disposition Indianapolis, Indiana)
Garhyan Parag
(Eli Lilly and Company, Departments of endocrinology, clinical pharmacology, PK/PD and drug disposition Indianapolis, Indiana)
Lam Eric C. Q.
(Lilly-NUS Centre for Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Statistics, Singapore, Singapore)
Knadler Mary P.
(Eli Lilly and Company, Departments of endocrinology, clinical pharmacology, PK/PD and drug disposition Indianapolis, Indiana)
Jacober Scott J.
(Eli Lilly and Company, Departments of endocrinology, clinical pharmacology, PK/PD and drug disposition Indianapolis, Indiana)
Hoevelmann Ulrike
(Profil, Neuss, Germany)
Plum-Moerschel Leona
(Profil, Neuss, Germany)
Watkins Elaine
(Profil Institute for Clinical Research, Chula Vista, California)
Gastaldelli Amalia
(Cardiometabolic Risk Unit, Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy)
Heise Tim
(Profil, Neuss, Germany)

Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism  (Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism)

巻: 19  号:ページ: 482-488  発行年: 2017年 
JST資料番号: W2549A  ISSN: 1462-8902  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: アメリカ合衆国 (USA)  言語: 英語 (EN)
