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J-GLOBAL ID:201702269417009611   整理番号:17A0910797

マダガスカルにおける再生エネルギーからの発電:機会と予測【Powered by NICT】

Electricity generation from renewables in Madagascar: Opportunities and projections
著者 (7件):
Praene Jean Philippe
(Laboratory of Physics and Mathematical Engineering for the Study of Energy, Environment and Building, 117 rue du General Ailleret, P.O. Box 97430 Le Tampon, Reunion, France)
Radanielina Mamy Harimisa
(Institute for the Management of Energy (IME), University of Antananarivo, P.O. Box 566, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar)
Rakotoson Vanessa Rolande
(Laboratory of Physics and Mathematical Engineering for the Study of Energy, Environment and Building, 117 rue du General Ailleret, P.O. Box 97430 Le Tampon, Reunion, France)
Andriamamonjy Ando Ludovic
(Department of Civil Engineering, Building Physics Section, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 40, P.O. Box 02447, BE-3001 Heverlee, Belgium)
Sinama Frantz
(Laboratory of Physics and Mathematical Engineering for the Study of Energy, Environment and Building, 117 rue du General Ailleret, P.O. Box 97430 Le Tampon, Reunion, France)
Morau Dominique
(Laboratory of Physics and Mathematical Engineering for the Study of Energy, Environment and Building, 117 rue du General Ailleret, P.O. Box 97430 Le Tampon, Reunion, France)
Rakotondramiarana Hery Tiana
(Institute for the Management of Energy (IME), University of Antananarivo, P.O. Box 566, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar)

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews  (Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews)

巻: 76  ページ: 1066-1079  発行年: 2017年 
JST資料番号: W1084A  ISSN: 1364-0321  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: イギリス (GBR)  言語: 英語 (EN)
