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J-GLOBAL ID:201902211051563736   整理番号:19A1585720


Suicidal behaviors and irritability in children and adolescents: a systematic review of the nature and mechanisms of the association
著者 (12件):
Benarous Xavier
(Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France)
Benarous Xavier
(INSERM Unit U1105 Research Group for Analysis of the Multimodal Cerebral Function, University of Picardy Jules Verne (UPJV), Amiens, France)
Consoli Angele
(Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France)
Consoli Angele
(GRC-15, Dimensional approach of Child and Adolescent Psychotic Episodes, Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), Paris, France)
Cohen David
(Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France)
Cohen David
(CNRS, UMR 7222, Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Sorbonne Universite, UPMC, Paris, France)
Renaud Johanne
(Manulife Centre for Breakthroughs in Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
Renaud Johanne
(Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
Lahaye Helene
(Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Department, Amiens University Hospital, Amiens, France)
Guile Jean-Marc
(INSERM Unit U1105 Research Group for Analysis of the Multimodal Cerebral Function, University of Picardy Jules Verne (UPJV), Amiens, France)
Guile Jean-Marc
(Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
Guile Jean-Marc
(Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Department, Amiens University Hospital, Amiens, France)

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry  (European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry)

巻: 28  号:ページ: 667-683  発行年: 2019年 
JST資料番号: W4337A  ISSN: 1018-8827  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: ドイツ (DEU)  言語: 英語 (EN)
