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J-GLOBAL ID:202002237392243603   整理番号:20A1424702


Barriers and facilitators to ask for lower urinary tract symptoms in people with low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. A qualitative study
著者 (10件):
Vredeveld T.
(Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality, Faculty of Health, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Vredeveld T.
(Department of Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Vredeveld T.
(School of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Eberlein A.
(School of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Ramaekers S.P.J.
(Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality, Faculty of Health, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Ramaekers S.P.J.
(School of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Coppieters M.W.
(Department of Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Coppieters M.W.
(Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Brisbane and Gold Coast, Australia)
Pool-Goudzwaard A.L.
(Department of Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Pool-Goudzwaard A.L.
(SOMT University of Physiotherapy, Amersfoort, the Netherlands)

Musculoskeletal Science and Practice  (Musculoskeletal Science and Practice)

巻: 48  ページ: Null  発行年: 2020年 
JST資料番号: W3301A  ISSN: 2468-7812  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: オランダ (NLD)  言語: 英語 (EN)
