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J-GLOBAL ID:202202227113414971   整理番号:22A1112372


B7-H4 expression promotes non-small cell lung cancer progression via AMPK/mTOR signaling
著者 (13件):
Li Mengxuan
(Human anatomy and histoembryology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Li Mengxuan
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Che Nan
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Che Nan
(Department of Pathology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Feng Ying
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Feng Ying
(Department of Pathology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Liu Xingzhe
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Liu Xingzhe
(Department of Pathology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Piao Lihua
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Xuan Yanhua
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Xuan Yanhua
(Department of Pathology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Jin Yu
(Human anatomy and histoembryology, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)
Jin Yu
(Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Yanbian University College of Medicine, Yanji, China)

Experimental and Molecular Pathology  (Experimental and Molecular Pathology)

巻: 125  ページ: Null  発行年: 2022年 
JST資料番号: A1230A  ISSN: 0014-4800  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
記事区分: 原著論文  発行国: オランダ (NLD)  言語: 英語 (EN)
