谷口みゆき, 今井晋, 鈴木広人. How Do Tourists Evaluate the Preserved Traditional Townscapes?: An Analysis of Online Reviews of Sake Tourism Spots. Proceeding of the 32nd Asian Economic Symposium. 2023. 26-60
谷口みゆき, 今井晋, 鈴木広人. 伝統的町並みの保存が観光地の評価に与える影響-「酒蔵ツーリズム」を実施する観光地の口コミの解析-. Faculty of Economics, Saga University (FESU) Working Paper Series. 2023. No. FY2023-01. 1-48
"How Do Tourists Evaluate the Preserved Traditional Townscapes?: An Analysis of Online Reviews of Sake Tourism Spots"
(The 32nd Asian Economic Symposium (Kasetsart University, Thailand) 2023)
Estimating Cost Functions in Differentiated Products Oligopoly Models without Instruments
(50th conference of EARIE (2023))