J-GLOBAL ID:200901003262008638   更新日: 2008年03月27日

高橋 眞一

タカハシ シンイチ | Takahashi Shinichi
MISC (19件):
  • Demographic Change in Thailand before the Demographic Transition (Journal of Economics & Business Administration - [176/3,17-31]). 1997
  • The Demographic Transition in Rural Areas of Northeastern Thailand : Two Regimes of Population (The Journal of Population Studies - [/20,49-63]). 1997
  • Demographic Transition and A Revolution in Energy Use (Population, Epidemics, and Disaster). 1995
  • Economic Geography. 1995
  • On the Vital Statistics of Taisho and Showa Evas. 1994
所属学会 (5件):
The Population Association of America ,  International Union for the Scientific Study of Population ,  日本人口学会 ,  日本地理学会 ,  経済地理学会
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