研究キーワード (6件):
, 生物工学
, 文化財科学
, Chemical Reactor
, Bioengineering
, Science on Cultural Property
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
1989 - 2003 遺跡出土鉄器の保存処理
1994 - 1999 Hydrodynamics of Conical Airlift Bubble Column
1995 - 気泡塔型培養装置を用いたきのこ菌糸の液体培養
1995 - Submerged Culture of Mushroom Mycelium by Using Bubble column Fermenters
1994 - 気泡塔型バイオリアクターの特性解析
1989 - Preservation of iron artifacts which came out of histrical places
MISC (65件):
Effects of Oxygen Absorption Rate on Metabolites Produced from Agaricus blazei Mycelium Cultured in A Bubble Column Fermentor. Proceedings of The 7th International onference on Separation Science and Technology - Between Korea and Japan -. 2005