Mechanism and therapy of brain degeneration in inborn errors of metabolism.
Mechanism and prevention of neurodegeneration
Experimental study on repair and regeneration of traumatic brain injury
MISC (37件):
Alpha-synuclein-positive intra cytoplasnic inclusions of aitrocytes and olizodendrocler in the brain in Parkinson's disease: an immunioliztulenieal study.(共著). J.Aomori Univ Health Welf. 2001. 3(2), 205-209
Alpha-synuclein-positive intra cytoplasnic inclusions of aitrocytes and olizodendrocler in the brain in Parkinson's disease: an immunioliztulenieal study. J.Aomori Univ Health Welf. 2001. 3(2), 205-209