J-GLOBAL ID:200901005936218377   更新日: 2022年09月17日

吉田 雅彦

ヨシダ ノリヒコ | Yoshida Norihiko
職名: 教授
研究分野 (2件): 分析化学 ,  大気水圏科学
研究キーワード (4件): 自然湖沼 ,  陸水 ,  L.Shibire ,  L.Kawaguchi
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 山梨県内自然湖沼の陸水学的研究
  • Limmological Studies on Lakes of Yamanashi Prefecture
  • Studies on Characteristic Quality and Chemical Compositions of Carrot
MISC (24件):
  • Limunological Study on Lake Kawaguchi -Chemical Study in 2001-. Bulletin of Ymanashi Prefectural Junior College. 2002. 35. ,45-48
  • YOSHIDA N. Limnological study on Lake Kawaguchi-chemical study in 1999. Bull Yamanashi Women's Junior College. 2001. 34. 211-214
  • YOSHIZAWA K. Limnological study on Lake Kawaguchi-chemical study in 1998. Bull Yamanashi Women's Junior College. 2000. 33. 151-154
  • Limnological Study on Lake kawaguchi-Chemical Study in 1997-. Bulletin of Yamanashi Prefectural Junior College. 1999. 32. 189-192
  • A study on Characteristic Qualities and Chemical Compositions of Spinach Fruits (Spinacia oleracea L. ) part(]G0002[) -Changes of Oxalic acid and Nitric acid in Spinach Fruits-. Bulletin of Yamanashi Prefectural Junior College. 1999. 32. 143-151
学位 (1件):
  • 水産学修士 (北海道大学)
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