研究キーワード (7件):
, 誘導型都市計画
, 都市的土地利用計画
, 都市計画
, Compesation for Land taking or use regulation in the field of urban planning
, Urban land Use Planning
, Urban Planning and Design
競争的資金等の研究課題 (11件):
2002 - 2006 界隈を活かしたまちづくり
2002 - 2006 Community Planning for Major Communities
1990 - 2005 臨海工業地の土地利用再編
1990 - 2005 複合土地利用形成手法としての用途別容積制
1990 - 2005 Reorganization of land use Zoning in exclusive in dustrial zone at waterfrout areas
1990 - 2005 The system of differential FAR by use for promotion mixed land use
1995 - 2004 Compesation for land taking or use regulation in the field of urban planning
Comparative Study urban planning in major Asian Cities
International comparative study on the systems for urban land use
A study on the characteristic of the urban structure from the viewpoint of the tramway systems in local cities. Papers of Kansai Branch’s Annual meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan. 2005. Vol.45,385-388