Programmable calculators to be used in the lecture of probability and statistics. Mathematical Education, Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 15th Conference. 1985
Programmable calculators to be used in the lecture of probability and statistics. Mathematical Education, Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 15th Conference. 1985
数学の花園から(1)~(6). 信徒の友. 1985. 462-467
Programmable calculators to be used in the lecture of probability and statistics. Mathematical Education, Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 15th Conference. 1985
Teaching of Statistics in the Computer Age (Proceedings of the Sixth ISI Round Table Conference) 244ページ 中の分担執筆 Mastering elementary probability and calculator programming in a class 4ページ
実験確率論入門 160ページ
Teaching of Statistics in the Computer Age (Proceedings of the Sixth ISI Round Table Conference) 244ページ 中の分担執筆 Mastering elementary probability and calculator programming in a class 4ページ